Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

One Direction make their horror movie debut - VIDEO

Sugarscape - Forget the One Direction 3D movie as the lads have taken a slightly different direction just lately, deciding to appear in brand new arthouse thriller 'Shadow Pico' instead.

One Direction star in Bad Lip Reading video / new horror movie Shadow Pico - WATCH

Apparently hip thrusting and ovary dissolving are two of many skills the lads have been keeping hidden from us and actually, they are all secret foreign language film stars. In fact, Liam Payne seems to be fluent in seven different versions of Gobbledigook.

Ok, so perhaps it's just a Bad Lip Reading spoof of their Gotta Be You video, but it's impressive how well it doubles as a trailer for a slightly strange horror film that involves cultish chants around the bonfire.

Check it out..

Zayn might put a ball through your scab, but he'll make you pay for the privilege.


What do you think of all that then?

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